Worshipful Brother Christopher Hodapp author of Freemasons For Dummies and Solomon’s Builders, will be speaking at Ancient York Lodge No. 89 in Nashua on Saturday, March 3, 2012. Tickets are $20.00 if purchased directly from AYL – $21.00 each if purchased via Pay Pal . Dinner begins at 6:00 p.m. and Bro. Hodapp’s presentation at 7:30 p.m. Click here to go Ancient York Lodge No. 89’s site for detailed information and tickets.
Sorry for the confusion. If you purchase a physical ticket from us it is $20; via PayPal it is $21 as we have to cover the fee that they charge per transaction.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
I hope to see you there!
Chris Busby
Junior Warden
Ancient York Lodge No. 89