When?: January 28, 2016; 9:00 a.m.- 11:00 a.m.
Where?: Saint James Lodge No. 102, Hampton NH
This class will discuss the “Funeral Service for Masonic Brethren” and how to conduct a proper service to remember our brother and pay respects to his family.
The Master’s Class is designed for those who will, or might, work their way to the East but also contains important information for any MM. All are welcome to join the circle for an open and free discussion. This is not a class room setting with a lecture. It promises not to be boring !
If you are traveling to the East one of your best resources is the feed back from these Master’s Classes. We all learn from a discussion.
What if the weather is bad and we can’t get to the Lodge to open on the degree ?
We have several new Brothers who have never seen a service ? Can they attend and be part of the group paying respects ?
What if the WM is out of town on vacation, can we postpone the Memorial Service for a few days until he returns ?
Can the Trestleboard be used to alert the Brethren of the time and date ?
We normally do not use that Funeral Home and are not familiar with the room layout. How do we handle that problem ?
What about the proper attire for the Officers. How about the regular Lodge members ? Can I come in casual clothes if coming from work ?
Does each member bring his own apron ? What about the Evergreen ? Where does that come from ?
And the questions go on. The program is set in a round table format with comments from all.
Please join us in Hampton on Saturday, January 28th from 9 to 11. Coffee and donuts will be provided.
This class is highly recommended for any Master Masons who think they may someday be called upon to be help with a Masonic Funeral Service