Masonic Protocol
–or is it etiquette,
good manners or
just plain courtesy ?
March 28, 2018 7:00 p.m. Star In The East Lodge Exeter NH
This class will discuss Masonic Potocol which will answer those questions and much more.
The Masters Class is designed for those who will, or might, work their way to the East but also contains important information for any MM. All are welcome to join the circle for an open and free discussion. This is not a class room setting with a lecture. It promises to keep you awake !
- What does it mean by Style ?
- Do we use the Style of the Brother or his position when in the Lodge ?
- What is the use of the Top Hat in open Lodge ?
- If the DDGM or GM is visiting, is it appropriate for the Master to remain covered ?
- How do you receive the DDGM or GM ?
- If there is a suite, who introduces the members of the suite ?
- Who selects the members of the suite ?
- Can the Master keep notes relating to Masonic Protocol with him in the East ?
- Beside the Master and Chaplain, who else should be invited to sit in the East ?
- How many can sit in the East ?
- Who should the Master rely on for giving advise pertaining to Protocol ?
- Who would give the final closing comments ?
- If several closing comments are given by visitors, what is the correct order of presentation ?
- And the questions go on. The program is set in a round table format with comments from all.
Please join us for the Masters Class in Exeter on Wednesday, March 28th starting at 7pm with coffee and donuts.