St. John’s and St. Andrew’s Lodges will sponsor a joint “bus trip” to Cooperstown New York, from Monday May 16th to Wednesday May 18th to visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Otsego Lodge N0. 138. St. Johns has 28 seats available for its members and St. Andrews 28 seats for their members. THIS IS “LAST CALL” – Sign up will be on a first- come first-serve basis. Cost is $10 per seat. Lodgings , Food costs, and admission fees, and any other expenses will be be covered by each member attending. Lodging Reservations and payments must be made individually with the Holiday Inn Express in Cooperstown, NY: the rate is $89 per night (two Queen Bedroom) – Be sure to use the Group Code “St. John’s Masonic Lodge” to receive the group rate. All reservations must be made by April 16, 2022 . Thetrip Itinerary is as follows:
Monday May 16 – Depart: the Portsmouth Masonic Temple parking Lot at 9:30 AM. Arrive: Holiday Express in Cooperstown apps. 3:00 p.m.
Tuesday May 17- Bus transport to National Baseball Hall of Fame [ Note: Reservations for the NBHF are available beginning March 17, 2022, admission cost is $25 per person ( Active Duty/ Career Retired Military Free). Return to Hotel at 3:00 p.m. Optional Dinner at The Tunnicliff Inn & Restaurant 5:30 p.m. Otsego Lodge No. 138 visitation – opens 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday May 18- Depart from Hotel at 9:30a.m. – Arrive back in Portsmouth, NH apps. 3:00 pm.