- The following are the Officers of St. John’s Lodge No 1 for the year 2023:
- Wor. Peter Splaine …………………………..…………….. Worshipful Master
- Alan A. Amman……………………………………………….. Senior Warden
- Karl M. Searl …………………………………………………….Junior Warden
- R.W. William Sawyer, , P.M. ……………………………… Treasurer
- R.W. Robert R. Sutherland, Jr, P.M.……………………. Asst. Treasurer
- Wor. Thomas W, Haslam, P.M………………………….. Secretary
- Wor. Daniel G. Stolworthy, P.M.……………………….. Asst. Secretary
- Wor. Gregg Annis, P.M…………………………………….. Chaplain
- Wor. Jason J. Destasio…………………………………….. Asst. Chaplain
- Wor. Daniel G. Stolworthy, P.M.………………………. Marshal
- Michael Hudson …………………………………………….. Senior Deacon
- Joshua M. Nixon ……………………………………………,,,, Junior Deacon
- Stephen D. Woodrow ……………………………………… Sr. Steward
- David D. Scammon …………………………………………. Jr. Steward
- Nicholas S. Kane…………………………………………….. Asst. Steward
- Jonathan L. Townes………………………………………… Asst. Steward
- Robert P. Johnson…………………………………………… Electrician
- Dan Silverman ………………………….. ………………….. Musician
- R.W. Nicholas F. Caron, P.M. ……………………………. Tyler
- Wor. Alan M. Robinson, P.M. ……………………………. Historian
- R.W. Roderick M. MacDonald, P.M. ………………….. Webmaster
- Balaji Ponnambalam………………………………………….Grand Lodge Representative
- NOTE: This Page will be moved to the St. Johns Lodge tab at the top of page after January of 2023