On April 29th St. Andrew’s Lodge hosted “An afternoon with Historic Novelist David S. Brody” for brothers of St. Andrew’s and St. John’s Lodges at the Portsmouth Masonic Temple. Prior to the program, Dave was given a tour of both the William Pitt Tavern Masonic Museum at Strawbery Banke and the Portsmouth Masonic Temple’s Whalley Museum by brothers of St. Andrew’s and St. John’s Lodges.
Dave has written fifteen Historic novels. One title in particular, Cabal of the Westford Knight centers on claims that a group of Scottish Knight’s Templar’s may have been in the coastal regions of New England nearly a century before Columbus made his famous 1492 voyage to the “New World”. Having found out it was Dave’s birthday, St. Andrew’s Master, Tom Beaudoin, arranged for a cake with candles to be served at the end of the presentation and book signing.
Pictured above during Dave’s tour of the Pitt Tavern are (left to right), David S. Brody, Br. Joe Rella, Br. Steve Linehan, Br. Tom Beaudoin, and Br. Rod MacDonald