275th Anniversary Celebration Events
Monday, 20 June 2011
12:00 Noon to 7:00 PM – Open House and Tour of Masonic Temple escorted by officers and Members of St. John’s Lodge.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
6:00 PM –Dinner in Auditorium $12.00 [per person]. Masons only. Reservations a must. Chicken or Shrimp Alfredo (or both) served family style. Price includes tip for NH Rainbow Girls. Reservations with Robert L. Sutherland Jr. 436-1095 or robert7615@aol.com no later than June 17th.
7:00 PM – Opening of St. John’s Lodge No. 1, F&AM, by the regular Lodge Officers (the Lodge will remain open until noon on Sunday, 26 June 2011)
7:15 PM – Entered Apprentice Degree on active Candidate performed by Officers from the First Masonic District of NH in Colonial costumes appropriate to their stations
9:30 PM – Lodge called from Labor to Refreshment
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
6:00 PM – Dinner in Auditorium $12.00 [per person]. Masons only. Reservations a must. Beef Tips served family style. Price includes Tip for NH Rainbow Girls. Reservations with Robert L. Sutherland Jr. 436-1095 or robert7615@aol.com no later than June 17th.
7:00 PM – Fellow Craft Degree on active Candidate performed by regular Officers of St. John’sLodge No. 1 dressed in their usual attire (white tie and tails)
9:15 PM – Lodge called from Labor to Refreshment
Thursday, 23 June 2011
6:00 PM – Dinner in Auditorium. $12.00 [per person]. Masons only. Reservations a must. Roast Chicken Breast served family style. Price includes Tip for NH Rainbow Girls. Reservations with Robert L. Sutherland Jr. 436-1095 or robert7615@aol.com no later than June 17th.
7:00 PM – Master Mason Degree on active Candidate; First Section performed by regular Officers of St. John’s Lodge No. 1 dressed in their usual attire (white tie and tails); Second Section performed by Past Masters of St. John’s Lodge No. 1 dressed in Biblical costumes appropriate to their stations
9:30 PM – Lodge called from Labor to Refreshment
Friday, 24 June 2011
6:00 PM – Anniversary Banquet in Auditorium. Limited to maximum of 175 people. $30.00 [per person]. Semi-public. Reservations a must. Prime Rib plated and served. Price includes tip for NH Rainbow Girls. Reservations with Robert L. Sutherland Jr. 436-1095 or robert7615@aol.com no later than June 17th.
7:00 PM – Celebration of the 275th Anniversary of the formal beginning of St. John’s Lodge No. 1, F&AM, Constituted on June 24, 1736
Program – Remarks by Worshipful Master Daniel S. Stolworthy (10 minutes)
– A reading of the essay “I AM ST. JOHN’S LODGE NO. 1” as offered by Worshipful Robert E. Buffum, Senior Past Master (10 minutes)
– Musical program by the talented group Voices of the Heart, offering a medley of selected songs popular during the years 1736 through 2011 (20 to 30 minutes)
– Remarks by Most Worshipful Paul M. Leary, Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New Hampshire (10 minutes)
9:45 PM – Lodge called from Labor to Refreshment
Saturday, 25 June 2011
2:00 PM to 5:00 PM – Guided tour of Strawbery Banke in Portsmouth, NH, a restored area featuring original houses and artifacts reaching back to the beginnings of the City, including Stoodley’s Tavern and the William Pitt Tavern – where St. John’s Lodge met during many of its early years.
5:00 PM to 7:00 PM – New England Clambake and Barbeque in the Auditorium, with Lobsters, Clams, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and all the trimmings for a pleasant and relaxing dinner. $25.00 [per person]. Semi-public. Reservations a must . Reservations with Robert L. Sutherland Jr. at 436-1095 or robert7615@aol.com no later than June 17th.
Sunday, 26 June 2011 – St. John’s Sunday
7:00 AM – Coffee and doughnuts in the Auditorium
7:45 AM – Lodge called from Refreshment to Labor
8:00 AM – Lines form for the parade to St. John’s Church. Transportation will be provided for those who prefer not to march.
8:30 AM – Parade leaves for St. John’s Church
9:30 AM – Divine Services at St. John’s Church
11:00 AM – Parade returns to Masonic Temple
12:00 PM – Closing of St. John’s Lodge No. 1, F&AM, by the regular Lodge Officers
# Lodges that are planning to attend and march as a Lodge please inform the Secretary of St. John’s Lodge #1 no later than June 17th.. Call Robert L. Sutherland Jr. at 436-1095 or robert7615@aol.com. We need this information to set of the line of march in advance of the parade. If possible, please let us know how many persons will be in your line of march, and whether you plan to march with another Lodge. Additional autos may be needed for your handicapped members, so plan for this eventuality. The march is about 0.7 mile long, each way. Dress for Lodge Officers is full regalia. Members may wear business suits. The Officers of St John’s Lodge #1 will be in full formal attire, Grand Lodge will be attending with us, and they will set their attire as they see fit. The line of march will be: youngest lodge first, to the oldest in the rear. Only one set of the Great lights will be in the line of march. All Lodges will be declared open by the Grand Master when Grand Lodge is opened, and all Lodges will be closed by him when St. John’s Lodge #1 closes for the week.