Posted Here, you will find a list of Special Events going on in the Lodges and appended bodies of the first Masonic District and other lodges and bodies within an hour to an hour and a half of first district.  Please Note: If you are interested in any events requiring tickets or ticket purchases – you must contact the lodge or  body sponsoring the event.  St. John’s Lodge provides or sells tickets only for events sponsored by St. John’s Lodge ( Please Note: Lodges and Appended bodies of the 1st Masonic District may have event notices posted on this page by sending information to Rod MacDonald at


Saturday September 29, 2018: First District Lodge of Instruction at the Portsmouth Masonic Temple.  Lunch will begin at Noon, Lodge at 1:00 pm



Friday, September 28, 2018 : Seacoast Learning Center 15th Annual Golf Tournament, Rochester Country Club (Rochester N.H).  8:00 a.m. registration – 9:00 am “ShotgunStart”-  2:00 p.m. Reception.  Click here for additional information and registration form.

Thursday September 27, 2018:  1st District Masters and Wardens Meeting.  Portsmouth Masonic Temple. Supper 6:30 – meeting 7:15 p.m. (hosted by St. Andrew’s Lodge No. 56)


Saturday, September 22, 2018:  York Rite College Northeast Joint Assembly, Portsmouth Masonic Temple 9:00 am to  5:30 pm.







Sunday, September 16, 2018:  New Hampshire Masonic Unity Party, Wellington State Park, Bristol, NH 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Thursday, September 13, 2018: Meeting of the William Whipple Military Lodge at the Portsmouth Masonic Temple’s Pub Room at 7:00 p.m. (Brink beverages and snacks to share).  After review of the Lodges bylaw’s, a movie will follow:  John Adams, Part I.



Thursday, September 13, 2018: Grand Reopening/ Open House for the Scottish Rite’s Seacoast Learning Center  1 Hanson Street Rochester, NH. 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.




 Saturday September 8, 2018: Put on your “country best” and attend First District Annual Outdoor (Farm) Degree.  10:00 am  273 North Road, Fremont, NH






Saturday, March 31, 2018:  Entered Apprentice Seminar at Blazing Star Lodge Concord, NH, from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.




Thursday  March 29, 2018: The Grand Master’s Town Hall Meeting for the 1st Masonic District will be held at Gideon Lodge in Kingston, N.H.,  with snacks being served at 6:30 p.m. and the meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m.





Wednesday March 28, 2018: Masters Class at Star In the East Lodge, Exeter NH. 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.





Saturday March 24, 2018:  The Annual New England Brotherhood Night




Saturday October 7, 2017: Major General John Sullivan #2 Masonic Lodge of Epping will be holding our Annual Harvest Supper on Saturday
October 7th from 4:30pm to 7:30pm.

This is an All YOU CAN EAT Turkey Dinner served with all the fixin’s. Desert too!!  Coffee and an assortment of cold drinks.

Cost under 12 years old $5.00 each
All 12+ years old $10.00 each

All proceeds raised go to our Epping H.S. Scholarship Fund that will awarded out to 2 Epping H.S. Graduates going onto college.

The Lodge building is located on Rt27 downtown Epping right beside Brewitt’s Funeral Home.

This event is open to the Public.



Wednesday September   27, 2017:  Master Mason’s Class -The September Master Mason’s class will be held on Wednesday, September 27th,  7:00 p.m., at Star In The East Lodge in Exeter.  The Topic will be “Planning for the New Year.”  Although it’s still summer…we are about to “roll” into September and before you know it…..your installation is about to happen…..time is running out!!   The Master’s Class is designed for those who will, or might, work their way to the East but also contains important information for any MM. All are welcome to join the circle for an open and free discussion. This is not a class room setting with a lecture. It promises not to be boring !



Saturday September 16, 2017: Lodge of Instruction-  This year’s Lodge of Instruction (L.O.I.) for first district will be held at the Portsmouth Masonic Temple (351 Middle Street, Portsmouth N.H,) on Saturday September 16.  Dinner will begin at 6:00 p.m.




This year’s (2017) First District Visitation Dates….

August 2: St. John’s Lodge No. 1—Portsmouth

September 19: Rockingham Lodge—Candia

September 25: Gideon Lodge—Kingston

October 5: Major General John Sullivan—Epping

October 9: St. Andrew’s Lodge – Portsmouth October 19 : Star In The East—Exeter

October 23: St. James Lodge—Hampton

________: Tucker Lodge—Raymond [Date TBD]




Saturday September 9, 2017- First District’s Annual Outdoor E.A. Degree.  10 a.m.  followed by a BBQ at noon. RSVP for the BBQ is a must!! 339 North Road, Fremont NH (from Route 125).  The host lodge this year is Star In the East No. 59 , Exeter.   RSVP for the BBQ will be in the form of a ticket which can be purchased from any of the first district Masters or Wardens.  This is always a fun degree to do with a the “highly improvised” farm oriented “Lodge Room” that is set up in a barn!  Rain or Shine. Come join in (Dress is “strictly farm attire”!).




Tuesday   May 9    6:00 p.m.   Redhook Brewery, Pease Trade Port, Portsmouth, N.H.:  Scottish Rite Valley Portsmouth Dover “Annual “Brewery Social and Tour” 

Saturday April 8    9:00 a.m.   Portsmouth Masonic Temple, Portsmouth, N.H.:  Annual Out of Hibernation 5K Road Race!


Thursday   March 30    7:00 p.m.   Portsmouth Masonic Temple:  Grand Master’s Town Hall




Thursday March 23   6:30 p.m.   Rockingham Lodge, Candia,  Masters and Wardens  Meeting



Saturday March 18  9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Major General John Sullivan Lodge, Epping  Master Masons Class. This month’s topic is “preparing and Running a Masonic Meeting”.  Master’s classes are geared for those working towards “The East”, but all Master Masons are welcomed to participate.  Please join us for class, coffee, and doughnuts beginning at 9:00 a.m.




Saturday     February 25  10: 00 a.m. Portsmouth Masonic Temple:     Scottish Rite Reunion  


Saturday    February  25   1:00 p.m.   Portsmouth Masonic Temple:      York Rite College  



Saturday    February 25   4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.   Gideon Lodge, 8 Church Street Kingston:  “Ole time” Ham and Bean Supper with all the fixings (including Hot Dogs for the Kids)   and dessert!  Adults $8.00  Children (under 12) $5