For the most updated news, course information, and registration form for the 2019 Out of Hibernation 5K CLICK HERE.
Looking Back On Past Road Races 5K
Neither rain, sleet, nor snow, stops our intrepid runners from stepping off every April to complete one of the regions earliest premier Spring Road Races. Runners begin the 5K course on the Miller Avenue side of the Portsmouth Masonic Temple and after a run that takes them through several of historic Portsmouth’s neighborhoods finishes on the Middle Street side of the Portsmouth Masonic Temple.
As they came over the finish line, runners returned to t he Masonic Temple auditorium for food, beverages, a chance to get warm, and of course awards for a race well run!

Brothers – Gilbert Palmer, Dan Stolworthy, and Noah Blanchard set up for “night before” runner registrations.

Early Saturday morning a few additional runners showed up to register with brothers Nicholas Pesarik, and Verne S. Anderson, Jr., P.M. (foreground) but….

Shortly before the line-up for the race was to start, a sudden “flood” of last minute registrations pushed the total number of registered runners to well over 200 !

Runners assembling at the starting line in front of the Miller Avenue Methodist Church

Runners at the ready

Brother Noah Blanchard (left under umbrella) fires the” starter gun”, beginining the 2011 Out Of Hibernation 5K.

Runners head for intersection of Miller Ave. and Lafayette Rd.

All ages were represented in the 5K

The run also include “walkers” and…

a few four legged and four wheeled participants

Bob Wiles of Kittery crosses the finish line with the winning time of Fifteen minutes and twelve seconds (15:12)

Over the next fifteen minutes, a steady stream of runners crossed the finish line

Many runners appeared pleased with their completion times

Masonic Brothers and family members Charlie Gaudet Junior (center), Charlie Gaudet Senior(right), and J.R. Gaudet(left) pass the finish line

Runners “dig in” to well earned food & drink while awaiting official race results

After the race, runners received a sizable number of door prizes, donated to the 5K , ranging from sub sandwich gift certificates to Boston Celtic tickets.

Medals for the top runners in each division were awarded by W.M. Dan Stolworthy

W.M. Dan Stolworthy presents Heather Searles, of Haverhill Massachsetts, with the women’s division first place trophy .
Click Title below Race Results