Masters Class for this month will be at St. John’s Lodge, Portsmouth this coming
Saturday, January 16th from 9 to 11 am
So, is it the Trestle Board or Tracing Board ?
Is there a difference and if so, what ?
This class will discuss Trestle Boards (TB) which will answer those questions and much more.
The Master’s Class is designed for those who will, or might, work their way to the East but also contains important information for any MM. All are welcome to join the circle for an open and free discussion. This i
If you are traveling to the East one of your best resources (outside the other PM’s and the Secretary) is the Trestleboard .
- Do we only send the TB to active M M’s ? If not, then who else should receive one ?
- Is only the information about the next Stated meeting included in the TB ?
- Can we mention names in the TB ? Who is o.k. and who is not ?.
- If a Special Meeting is needed, what does “Sufficient Notice”: state about the time before the meeting date ?
- With the cost of postage rising (and now no Saturday delivery) can we just send by email ?
- Can we list the Officers and their Ladies names in the TB ? Is it a good idea ?
- Can this task be assigned to a new Brother or should it be done by a committee of old timers ?
- Bulk rate postage is cheaper but slower. Is this o.k. ?
- Since it is the main means of communication with the members of the Lodge, can we include other items in the TB. Maybe the minutes of the last meeting but would that be allowed ?
- What about changes to the Lodge By-laws. Can they be included in the TB ?
- And the questions go on. The program is set in a round table format with comments from all.
s not a class room setting with a lecture. It promises to keep you awake !